Monday, June 15, 2009

Aion supports Triple Head

Forum posting found here.

Matrox TripleHead2Go

Triple monitor goodness!! Wotlk Video

This is the Matrox TripleHead2Go... really
considering this for my next upgrade.

AND! whats more: Star Wars the Old Republic uses the Hero Engine!


"The Matrox Triplehead2GO provided the screen space needed to spread out the development tools comfortably and still have a large area to view the game world. With our massive tool set, this is a nice advantage as you didn't need to search for the right tool. The huge screen space meant it was just there, ready to use when needed."
Eric Slick - Director of Development - Simutronics® Corporation

"The Matrox Triplehead2GO paired smoothly with HeroEngine's versatile open-ended architecture, making integration an absolute breeze! It's turned into a real attention-getter at tradeshows - I can't count the number of people who stopped at our booth to comment that they've never seen anything quite like it! This really opened up a whole new way of looking at our worlds! "
Aaron Standridge - Lead Interface Designer - Simutronics® Corporation

Monday, June 8, 2009

I think I'd like to have one of there controllers. I believe one could controll RGB LED lamps with music or video input.

I see there are new LED lighting options being made now. LIT is making LED underlight kits for homes. Worth looking into.
LIT Style

Here's a shot from Carnegie Mellon University Entertainment
Technology Center. amBX-enabled "Bridge" entrance to the main academic center.